We partner with healthcare providers who recommend our evidence-based nutraceuticals in order to enhance long-term health for their patients. Our physician recommended nutraceuticals are committed to supporting the health, education, and well-being of those patients through superior customer service and the use of peer-reviewed clinical research that validates our product safety and benefits. We stay current with the research and reformulate our products in response to the ever-evolving body of evidence. The company’s product-related assertions are made only when substantiated in well-documented, peer-reviewed science and supported by Deccan Healthcare's Medical Officer and Scientific Advisory Panel. DHC distributes wide range of micronutrient rich nutritional supplements through our physicians that help patients in achieving and managing their health goals. Each superior formulation is carefully crafted with high-bioavailability of ingredients to maximize absorption. As the leading Omega-3,6,7,9 softgel manufacturers, our medical team of healthcare providers lecture at International, National, State and Local venues to share the most current research available in Omega-3 science. Because all of our products are based on peer-reviewed clinical evidence, we enthusiastically provide education to ensure that our team is current on the latest omega-3 science.